Friday, May 12, 2006

Pincusion Flower

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Filling the Generation Gap

Recently I have read what seems to be a great deal of discussion both on many blogs and in magazine articles regarding gardening as a leisure activity on the decline. While most points made by all authors are very valid, substantiated and well thought out, can't really be determined correct one way or another. However judging by the drones of gardeners of all shapes and sizes and abilities packing their wagons, minivans, trucks, and sedans with all that grows at nursery centres accross the land, I would say that leisure polls have dropped the ball on this one. I know that May 24 weekend is fast approaching and the Garden Gallery Will yet again require no less than 5 or 6 police officers to direct traffic through the intersection from Friday until Monday Eve to accomidate for the massive rush and urge to play with dirt ensues. For May 24 weekend in Central Ontario marks the real beginning of gardening season.. its the last of the frost.

In celebration of mothers day, my mom and I had a day out together yesterday, grazing over the abundance of flowers at her local nusery. I owe most of my gardening knowledge and skills from my mom, she has been faithfully reading my progress with this new garden, and making many suggestions along the way. She has been so excited about this blog craze (after reading many of the amazing garden blogs) she has begun her own to chronicle her own garden. My Secret Garden is my moms garden journal, and while I bend her ear for plant suggestions, she bends mine for blog instruction.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006





Flowering Cabbage

Catching Drops

Kaycee loves the hose sprayer, here she is trying to catch the drips from the window box drainage.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Deck..

This is my deck.

It has stayed like this for 6 months.
I hope to one day have C finish it.
I have dreams of what I am going to plant around this deck.. in the backyard and along fence beds.. I have dreams in this backyard to someday enjoy a garden and grow a few veg.. I have dreams where Bry can enjoy the shade without Kaycee tugging on his tie out. >sigh< one day.

Monday, May 08, 2006

My (big) Little Garden Helpers

Come Play!!

Here little Birdie...


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mischevious pansies

I always see faces when I look at pansies..Like they are smiling and giggling.


Ugh, is all I can say.. Sundays are the hardest days to drag myself out of bed and into work. Sundays beg for me to laze around drinking vanilla cafe and sit on my back deck. (That is if C Would ever finish the back deck, or the builder would ever fix the grading)...So I will have to wait for a few weeks to see a Sunday off to laze around in.


Just 2 days after I was sweating wearing shorts and a tank top in the garden getting burnt walking through the park with the pupheads, the temperature dropped to near freezing and I am left coming home from work tonight to scramble some sheets to cover the flower beds. EEk!!! I brought in the window baskets, and containers, here is hoping that the covering for the flowers outside is enough. Fingers Crossed