Friday, June 16, 2006

Theraputic planting

Yesterday was the worst day in memory. I found out my mom is not superhuman afterall, and our plans for a summer IVF have been pushed back. I was feeling pretty low. To try and get my mind straightened out I planted a few dozen cosmos under my little maple tree to cheer me up. It distracted me for a while and gave me solitude to put things into perspective. It is said that people make clearer and more correct decisions when they have had time for their subconsious mind to mull all the information over before acting on anything, for me its the distraction of planting, deadheading, feeding the plants that seems to ease the mind.


Blogger David (Snappy) said...

Hey Tracey,Hope your garden helps you make those decisions and that the therapeutic nature of it helps you.MY garden takes about five minutes to wipe out all the work and family stresses.I love being out dead heading, weeding, and feeling the wind.Love your blog and nice photos.That flower is magic (what is it?)

7:22 p.m.  
Blogger TraceyF said...

Thank you snappy for your well wishes. I have been a bad blog buddy as of late and not had the strength to leave many thoughts, but I am lurking and loving it. The flower is a Cosmo... They are annuals but they grow fast and always bloom.. they look so light and airy blowing in a breeze. I planted them under my maple tree they are the first to greet me when I come home. They like a dry sunny spot with poor nutrient soil. a Brown thumbs dream.

12:04 a.m.  

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