Sunday, May 21, 2006

Victoria Day Snow

Instead of a show of fireworks mother nature has decided to hammer her own celebratory confetti to celebrate the Queens Birthday. Snow!! Just when I thought I was safe, Environment Canada has yet dropped another Bomb. Snow!! Tonight! With a risk of frost, this means at 4am when I get home from work I will be running around the yard putting up sheets.


Blogger Philosophical Karen said...

We didn't get snow, but it has been so cold. I bought some PC Gigantico coleus and a flat of wizard mix coleus at Zehrs and I took them straight into the garage. I knew there'd be no point having them outside in this weather.

Some of the more established plants in the garden are just loving this cool wet spring, though.

I hope your emergency measures worked.

11:40 p.m.  

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